of Dallas/Ft Worth TX. response to the recent statement made by Ayman Al-Zawahiri http://www.radionetherlands.nl/news/international/6059115/AlZawahiri-criticises-Obama
As an African-American Muslim, I was appalled and shocked by the demeaning and disgusting rhetoric of Ayman Al-Zawahiri leveled at President-Elect Barack Obama. I am a very strong supporter along with many African-American Muslims of President-Elect Barack Obama. We do not see him as a "House Negro" as Zawahiri stated. In fact we see him as the answer to many of the prayers of our ancestors and good Americans and good people the world over. Al-Zawhari does not speak for us nor does he speak for many mainstream muslims who are not African- Americans. Listening to his hateful and racist rhetoric I doubt very seriously that he knows much about Al-Islam at all.
The Holy Quran which is our Sacred Book as you well know does not state that Faith can be inherited, it's a matter of one's own choice. Just because President-Elect Barack Obama's father was a muslim does not mean that he has to accept the faith of his father. The Quran mentions " People of the Book"( Jews, Christians, etc.) that will also be rewarded with Paradise. I guess Zawahiri and his ilk have never read those verses. The Quran further states " Let there be no compulsion in religion". No one should feel compelled to be a part of any faith that he does not choose. Lastly, it amazes me that Zawahiri thinks he is an advocate for "dignified african-americans", he does not know our struggle, our history, our aspirations, and definitely does not know our love and support for President-Elect Barack Obama.
G-d made him the man he is for our country and the world at this 'Defining Moment in History" and I'm proud to call him my President and my brother. May G-d Bless his Presidency for the good of our country and the world. Ayman Al-Zawahiri should crawl back into the cave he came out of and leave the affairs of the African-American community out of his vocabulary. He should also read what Muhammad The Prophet said about ' The Blood of The Scholar is more Sacred than The Blood of the Martyr" and give up terrorism. Feel free to use my letter in any news releases or e-mails of your choosing.
A very Strong Supporter of President-Elect Barack Obama
Imam Yahya Abdullah
Dallas, Texas, 469-245 4586
The Holy Quran which is our Sacred Book as you well know does not state that Faith can be inherited, it's a matter of one's own choice. Just because President-Elect Barack Obama's father was a muslim does not mean that he has to accept the faith of his father. The Quran mentions " People of the Book"( Jews, Christians, etc.) that will also be rewarded with Paradise. I guess Zawahiri and his ilk have never read those verses. The Quran further states " Let there be no compulsion in religion". No one should feel compelled to be a part of any faith that he does not choose. Lastly, it amazes me that Zawahiri thinks he is an advocate for "dignified african-americans", he does not know our struggle, our history, our aspirations, and definitely does not know our love and support for President-Elect Barack Obama.
G-d made him the man he is for our country and the world at this 'Defining Moment in History" and I'm proud to call him my President and my brother. May G-d Bless his Presidency for the good of our country and the world. Ayman Al-Zawahiri should crawl back into the cave he came out of and leave the affairs of the African-American community out of his vocabulary. He should also read what Muhammad The Prophet said about ' The Blood of The Scholar is more Sacred than The Blood of the Martyr" and give up terrorism. Feel free to use my letter in any news releases or e-mails of your choosing.
A very Strong Supporter of President-Elect Barack Obama
Imam Yahya Abdullah
Dallas, Texas, 469-245 4586
To read statement given by Al-Qaeda's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, please click link below.